
MAS651: Theory of Stochastic Processes

This is a graduate-level course on rigorous theory of probability and stochastic processes. This course covered Chapter 5~8 of the main textbook “Probability: Theory and Examples (The fifth edition)”, written by Rick Durrett, and the list of topics covered in this course includes

The grading of this course was based on weekly assignments (60%) and the final exam (40%). The solutions to all homework problems of this course can be found below:

If you have any questions about homework problems and solutions, please contact me via e-mail.

MAS575: Combinatorics

This is a graduate-level course on various topics in combinatorics. The lecture videos for this course were periodically uploaded here. The list of topics covered in this course includes

The grading of this course was based on biweekly assignments (50%) and the final report (50%). Each student was required to submit a final report on an open problem related to this course and explain why it is interesting, what is known so far, and what could be a potential approach or write a report on interesting recent results related to this course. My final report for this course can be found here.