About me
About me
Hi, there! My name is Jeonghwan Lee, and my pronouns are he/him/his. From Sep. 2022, I will be a first-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Statistics at the University of Chicago. During my doctoral study, I will be supported by Kwanjeong Educational Foundation. I am really grateful for their support!
I received my bachelor’s degree in Mathematical Sciences from KAIST on Feb. 2022 with honors (Summa Cum Laude, The KAIST Presidential Award). I have been working on several research projects as an undergraduate researcher in the Information and Inference for Data Science Lab at the School of Electrical Engineering of KAIST, under the guidance of Professor Hye Won Chung.
I am a member of an amazing research group ML-Theory-Korea!
Curriculum vitae (Last updated at Jul. 2022)
Research interests
My research interest broadly lies in theory of statistics and machine learning. It includes
- Statistical machine learning: network data analysis, ranking problems, synchronization, and analysis of iterative algorithms.
- Theory of statistics: high-dimensional statistics, non-parametric statistics.
- Optimization for machine learning: minimax optimization and learning in games, Riemannian optimization.
- Reinforcement learning theory.
Contact details
E-mail: jhlee97@uchicago.edu or mathljh0323@gmail.com